Friday, 5 August 2011

How To Know a Man Loves You - 4 Ways To Be 100% Positive That He Does

Oh the ups and downs of being in love; including all the joy, the pain, the romance and the heartache. Being both argumentative at times and intimate at others is all a part of the 'couples package', yet how does one know whether they have arrived at that level of commitment or not?

How can you really tell whether the person you have been seeing is in love with you for the long-term, or just using you as another practice round to polish his skills?

Below you'll find several nifty little 'tips' that will help you determine just that!

If you can't check at least one or two of the following traits for your man, within so many months of your relationship, chances are it's probably best to talk it out, or move on...

1. Is He Interested In Your 'Day to Day'?

A man who likes a woman, and I mean really likes her, will put forth some level of effort into being there for her as much as he is able. Busy schedules and planned agendas is the norm in modern society; and realizing this, he would take action to see her as many minutes/hours/days out of the week as he could.

Does he ask how your day has been going and legitimately seems interested, entertained, or concerned with what you say? If so, good sign!

For him, and for you, to be able to freely express yourselves is a great way to feel connected and strengthen the bond you have been developing.

2. Has He Introduced You To His Close Friends and Family?

If he genuinely does love you and everything about you then he will feel absolutely secure in his decision to introduce you to his immediate circle of family and friends.

Before you came into his life these people were the core foundation of his world aside from his career and personal goals. They have already won over his heart and know a lot about him, and vice versa.

So introducing both parties shows that he has established the same deep connection with you that he feels for them as well. A very powerful and sincere action that proves how much his feelings have developed.

3. Does He Sacrifice His Personal Agenda For You?

A truly committed man is one who will vow to punctuality when the two of you plan a date together. If he gives up some of his time with the boys (ie: poker games, Xbox 360's, bar hopping, and Sports Central shows) then you can feel rather safe with the fact that he is into you; a little more than a lot.

4. Has His Appearance Taken a Turn For The Sexy?

A man who finds you interestingly appealing will strive to put off the same 'vibe' in return. If he didn't sense that he held the capacity to fall in love with you, he would shrug off the notion of trying to woo you with his masculinity.

If you notice his appearance and attire look sharper, match well, fit better and smell good, you can rest assured that he aspires to become eye candy for you and only you.

BONUS: If he makes an even better effort to maintain his personal hygiene, including but not limited too, washing/combing his hair, cleaning his teeth, and straightening up his surroundings (bedroom, home, car, etc.) then I would go ahead and assume that he wants to make an outstanding impression!

Someone may just be falling in love...

Now Get This ~

He may be exhibiting several of the above methods, which would indicate he is genuinely falling for you, however that might not mean he is ready for commitment.

I'll let you in on a trick that stands the test of time and has worked for thousands of women struggling with love. Knowing this one method could certainly save you the hassle of ponderously waiting for his love to either come to full fruition, or drop like a rotted core. Plus, you can use it to make him fall madly in love!

Pay Close Attention Here -

On The Next Page You Will Discover Very Rare Psychological Tricks Which Will Give You The Ultimate Power To Attract any Man, Make Him Fall In Love & Get Him To Commit To You & Only You, Forever - Click Here

View the original article here

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