Wednesday, 27 July 2011

In How Many Ways Do You Express Love to Others?

No doubts about it, there are many different types of Love. There is the love of a parent for a child as well as love of family members for one another; then there is the love experienced in friendship and companionship; as well as the love expressed in sharing ideas and beliefs.

In this moment I invite you to make a commitment to actively express love towards others in whatever ways that you can. In fact, as you breathe in and out look for opportunities to give and receive love with the knowledge that Love is indeed the greatest power of them all.

No surprise why Jesus shared the following as read from the Bible...

"I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you." -John 13:34

And I want you to understand, just understand that at any time the abundance of people, places, and circumstances for you to love is so much greater than you can imagine.

In fact, take a deep breath in and notice every possible opportunity that you have to Love. Ask yourself, what is in my life to love?

Presumably you have already begun to realize how this practice of noticing what is in your life to love can become one of the most powerful tools for you to utilize in your own personal growth. Not mention that this particular practice works really well when you are feeling depressed or upset.

As each second passes in this moment become aware of the fact that you need no reason to love something or someone all you need is to choose to care for it and engage yourself deeply in to the moment together.

So how do you express Love when you find yourself alone in the stillness and silence of solitude?

Believe it or not when you make the conscious decision to meditate on a daily basis you are actually tapping into all of the Divine Love, Joy and Peace that is within you which means you are actually making it that much easier to love others and love in all ways.

Think about it for a moment and you will quickly begin to realize just how important and necessary it is to Love yourself by giving yourself the undivided attention and focus that the practice of Love requires.

More than that you will also be glad to know that the practice of Yoga Nidra is one of the best guided meditation techniques you can choose to help assist you along in your journey of actively expressing your love towards others in whatever ways that you can.

Thaddeus Ferguson has dedicated himself to the cause of helping people heal themselves first in order to help heal the world during this amazing time of transformation.

The practice of Meditation and/or Yoga Nidra is just one of the many powerful tools that you can use in order to help Heal You First.

Discover many of the Benefits of Meditation Now!

Join Thaddeus in a state of Being LOVE at Now!

View the original article here

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